Between Heaven and Earth: The Masonic Ritual of the Summer Solstice in Ancona

/, News/Between Heaven and Earth: The Masonic Ritual of the Summer Solstice in Ancona

The Summer Solstice represents the “gate of men” and the Winter Solstice the “gate of the gods”.

These two openings symbolize the transition between the earthly world and the heavenly, eternal, and spaceless realm.

This astronomical event, which marks the sun’s highest point in the sky, represents a time of reflection, inner growth, and renewal in the Masonic tradition.

Despite common “profane” associations linking light, joy, and strength to summer and cold and decay to winter, the Solstices actually have an opposite character. What reaches its maximum decreases, and what is at its minimum increases. This explains the symbolism of the solstitial gates, represented by the faces of Janus and the two Johns, winter and summer.

The birth of Christ at the Winter Solstice and that of John the Baptist at the Summer Solstice reflect this duality, as expressed by John the Baptist: “He must increase, but I must decrease.”

On June 22, the Lodge Stamira Virescit – Ankon No. 12 in the Orient of Ancona welcomed Sisters and Brothers and delegations from friendly Masonic Orders from all over Italy to celebrate an event rich in symbolic meaning. The Rite emphasized the importance of seeking knowledge and love, fundamental values for every Mason. During the subsequent Agape, also open to family members, each participant was given a jar of “paccasassi,” a resilient plant from the Conero coast, and a bag of local lavender, symbols of the strength of the earth and serenity. These gifts represent the connection between man and nature and the continuity between past and present.

The following day, at the Ancona Monumental Cemetery, the Grand Master of the GLLI, Luisa Ceravolo, paid homage to the Anconetan Masonic patriots Carlo Fajani, Antonio Elia, and Girolamo Orsi by laying a floral tribute. These men, who sacrificed their lives for the freedom and unity of our country, are a shining example for all of us. Their dedication and sacrifice remind us of our responsibility to society and our ideals.

Once again, the Summer Solstice offered us a unique opportunity to rediscover the profound meanings of Light, celebrating our connection with the universe and our commitment to freedom.

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